Mathematical Physics (Math) - Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Students pursuing a Ph.D. in Mathematical Physics can be in residence in either the Department of Mathematics or the Department of Physics.

The Mathematical Physics Ph.D. degree curriculum focuses on using techniques from mathematics to formulate and solve problems in physics as well as applying insights from physics to the solution of problems in mathematics. The program offers advanced training for students in the overlapping areas of mathematics, theoretical physics, and their applications from a unified point of view and promotes research in the field.

Indiana University’s Department of Mathematics has been expanding the frontiers of mathematical understanding on a wide range of topics for over 100 years. It is a nationally recognized and vibrant center for high-quality research and training with faculty who conduct world-class research.

The department enjoys the vast resources and opportunities for interdepartmental collaboration offered by Indiana University, a Research 1 institution, striving to maintain representation in most major areas of mathematics research. Within the department, an atmosphere of inquiry and dedication to teaching make for a collegial atmosphere where abundant seminars offer the opportunity to engage with members of the department and their work. 

IU’s Department of Physics is known for conducting world-leading research across a wide portfolio of subdisciplines in physics while also cultivating knowledge in both graduate and undergraduate students. The department pays close attention to mentoring, advising, and professional development. And while research involves inquiry into vast and intractable problems, the faculty are interactive, friendly, and personable.

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