She’s an active painter and sculptor to this day, and her artwork frequently deals with issues surrounding race, gender, and sexuality.

Dieter just returned to America from Kingston, Jamaica, after four years as a senior lecturer at the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts. She acknowledges that she’s returning during an interesting time for our country — the social and political environment is much different than that of Jamaica.

“The energy in America has extra divisiveness and anger,” Dieter says.

But despite the many challenges, Dieter believes that this is a monumental time for our country — and a time for necessary change. From the pandemic to the upcoming election to continued racial unrest, there’s an opportunity for creativity that didn’t exist before, and Dieter says that students should take advantage of that.

“Use this dynamic and challenging time in our history to create something meaningful for you and the communities you care about,” she says.