The Online Foreign Language Placement Exam (FLPE) tests a student’s current knowledge of foreign languages. It is required of all incoming freshman and most transfer students at the undergraduate level regardless of Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) scores or their academic plans. You are exempt from the FLPE only if you have never studied a foreign language. Transfer students may be exempt if certain conditions are met.
The FLPE is an unproctored exam and may be accessed at Each language exam may only be taken once. You may take more than one FLPE in a different language if you have knowledge of that language. The exam must be completed in a single sitting without interruption. You cannot pause the exam and return to it later. Time limits vary from 60 to 90 minutes, and some exams include a listening section.
The FLPE must be taken without assistance. Dictionaries, books, notes, the internet, websites, and other tools should not be used during the exam. Please do not ask others for assistance during the exam. Otherwise, the test scores may not accurately reflect your knowledge and skill level, and you may be placed into a foreign language course that exceeds your capability.
The FLPE is currently available in the following languages.