Transfer Students

Fulfilling coursework residence requirements and transferring graduate credit

The Indiana University Graduate School Bloomington requires that all IU graduate students fulfill certain residence requirements for graduate coursework—i.e., you must complete a certain amount of your coursework in residence on the IU Bloomington campus.

If you have completed graduate coursework at another institution, you may request through your department that the graduate credit earned at that institution be transferred in partial fulfillment of your degree requirements.

Residence requirements for graduate coursework

All candidates for graduate degrees in the College of Arts and Sciences must complete some of their graduate credits on the IU Bloomington campus. If you are pursuing a master’s degree, you must spend at least one semester or two summer sessions in full-time coursework on the IU Bloomington campus. If you are a Ph.D. student, you must spend at least two consecutive semesters during one academic year enrolled in full-time coursework on the IU Bloomington campus.

Courses offered by other institutions through the Committee on Institutional Cooperation’s CourseShare and Traveling Scholar programs or by other programs may sometimes count as resident coursework. Contact the University Graduate School at for more information.

You can learn more about residency requirements on the IU Graduate School Bloomington Bulletin website.