How to Participate

Get involved with the College Luminaries Program

Whether you're a graduate of the College of Arts and Sciences or a current student, the Luminaries Program can change your life. The program features numerous events throughout the year, and with them a range of ways to make your impact.

I can’t imagine a more positive or rewarding way to reconnect with Indiana University.

Jamie Ponce (B.A. '01), former College Luminary

Get involved as an alum

As a graduate of the College, you represent the possibilities of what Arts and Sciences students can accomplish, and your success and perspective can inspire current students to excel both on campus and after graduation.

In serving as a College Luminary, you’ll reconnect with your academic home and help guide the next generation of leaders by sharing your personal and professional experiences.

Interested in learning more?

The College Luminaries Program helped me hone the skills needed in and out of the classroom to succeed as a student, professional, and citizen.

Samantha Strong (B.A. '16), former College advancement ambassador

Get involved as an undergraduate student

The College Luminaries Program provides students with the opportunity to meet and converse with spectacular alumni from the College of Arts and Sciences.

Through these alumni interactions, students gain career insights, professional development, and often a mentor who can help steer their paths after graduation.

Get involved as a student


If you have any questions about the Luminaries Program, either as an interested student or alum, please e-mail Assistant Director of Alumni Engagement Haley Russ.