Here is a step-by-step guide to help you compose an effective thank-you and introduction.
Introductory Paragraph: Say thank you/express gratitude to the donor, family member, or representative for their support, and state the full name of the scholarship.
Example: “I am honored to be a recipient of the College of Arts and Sciences Scholarship.”
Example: “Thank you for supporting my education through the College of Arts and Sciences Scholarship in English.”
If you did not receive a named scholarship, please thank them for their support of student scholarships in a general sense.
Example: “As a recipient of this scholarship, I’m writing to thank you for supporting my education.”
Second Paragraph: Discuss your present situation. You might include volunteer activities, organizations you participate in, classes or professors you enjoy or are looking forward to, and what your plans look like after graduation (if applicable). You might also include what you have enjoyed about being a part of the College and your department specifically, or what makes IU special to you.
Conclusion: Conclude the letter by connecting your activities, interests, and goals to the financial support you are receiving. Use this as an opportunity to say how the award will help you achieve your goals or pursue your interests. Thank the donor one more time.