College Alumni Engagement Grant Program

Apply for the College's Alumni Engagement Grant Program

The IU College of Arts and Sciences Office of Advancement is excited to announce the creation of the College's Alumni Engagement Grant Program. This effort supports alumni engagement activities in the College of Arts and Sciences and the work academic departments, programs, and schools do in building and strengthening relationships with their graduates, former students, and friends.

Funding provided can only be used to support alumni programming and engagement, which could include but is not limited to alumni awards, an alumni reception held in conjunction with a national conference, or connecting with alumni and current students.

Grant applications are accepted each semester. During the evaluation window, applicants may be asked to provide additional information.

For the 2023-2024 academic year, applications are due by September 1 for events occuring before November 15.

For events occuring after November 15, applications are due by October 15.

Grant funding can be applied to multiple programs, and units may apply more than once but total award amount will not exceed $2,000 per fiscal year. The College Alumni Grant Program will be the primary funding source for alumni engagement support in the College's Office of Advancement.

If you have questions about your unit's eligibility, contact the College’s Director of Alumni Engagement Vanessa Cloe before submitting your application.

Approved uses of College Alumni Engagement Grants Program funds include event and program support such as:

  • Food and beverage expenses.
  • Facility rental fees.
  • Audio visual expenses, including photography and videography.
  • Marketing and communications, including printing, signage, invitations, and postage.
  • Gifts, awards, and swag.
  • Actual costs associated with alumni publications or newsletters, including printing and postage.

 Examples of approved events and programs include:

  • Alumni/student networking events either on campus or in another city.
  • Alumni receptions in coordination with a national academic conference.
  • Reunions and anniversaries, which must include alumni.
  • Alumni recognition dinners.
  • Alumni board meetings and associated events. 
  • IU Day—an annual day of engagement, celebration, and support.

 Grant funds may NOT be used for:

  • Staff salary costs to support alumni outreach or develop publications and marketing materials.
  • Staff and student travel.
  • Events, programs, or communications solely focused on fundraising.
  • Alumni travel expenses for board meetings or events.
  • Capital expenditures.
  • Software, licensing agreements, or content/resources for alumni (contact your liaison for more information).
  • Food and beverage service for alumni board meetings are not a recommended use of these grant funds. Requests for College Alumni Engagement Grant funds for this use must include a compelling reason and explanation in the application.

Award process

  • Funding requests will be reviewed by the grant committee—comprised of the College’s Office of Advancement and Executive Dean’s Office Staff along with campus partners. Members will be appointed by the College’s Director of Alumni Relations.
  • Funding is contingent on the event or program reasonably occurring as proposed. Applicants must notify their College alumni liaison if significant changes are expected that would impact the proposed event or program.
    • The grant committee may choose to withdraw or change the amount of funding from the previously approved request if the changes significantly alter the event from the original purpose.
  • Grant award notices will be delivered on or before 30-days after grant applications close. The notice will include reasons why a request was NOT approved. If additional information is needed or changes need to be made, units will be notified by the College’s Office of Advancement and may resubmit the application within seven days.

Payments, reimbursements, and transfer of funds

  • All monies granted will be kept in the College’s Office of Advancement IUF account and will be distributed after the event is complete and receipts are submitted.
  • Payments will only be made in amounts that are equal to or less than the amount of the grant awarded.
  • Funds may be paid for goods and services directly with the vendor or reimbursement to an individual or university account in accordance with IU and/or IUF expense and reimbursement guidelines.
  • College Alumni grant funds must only be used to pay for approved expenses.

Reporting Process

  • Within 30 days following the event, program, or project, units should report on the program(s) that were funded during the year.

The College’s Office of Advancement engages and supports our alumni and friends to grow their lifelong connection to and support of Indiana University, the College of Arts and Sciences, and each other. Our work fosters the College’s philanthropic mission through the following priorities:

  • Alumni Awards and Recognition: We strategically recognize outstanding alumni of the College through award and recognition efforts that build lasting and meaningful relationships with the College and Indiana University.
  • Strategic Events and Programming: We purposefully engage alumni through lifelong learning, networking, and faculty, student, and alumni connections both online and in-person.
  • Alumni Volunteerism: We recruit, oversee, and lead alumni volunteer opportunities that encourage lifelong commitment to the College, our academic partners, and the university.
  • Academic Department-Program-School Engagement: We support alumni engagement and involvement with and philanthropic support of our academic units through a range of opportunities and services.

In addition to supporting our priorities as listed above, we encourage academic partners to embrace the following when developing successful alumni engagement programming:

  • Cultivate belonging. Ensure programming is welcoming and equitable to create diverse and inclusive community experiences for alumni and friends.
  • Deepen alumni loyalty. To build the alumni community, learn how your alumni identify with your department, their academic experience, and each other; offer relevant experiences that encourage commitment and community.
  • Strengthen alumni engagement across the College and IU. Collaborate with College and IU stakeholders when possible. Support efforts to engage alumni more deeply with not only your academic department, but also the College and IU.
  • Collaboration across units. Events that are supported by multiple entities and appeal to multiple audiences are generally a more effective use of funds and more successful.
  • Utilize multiple funding sources. Programs often serve the needs and audiences of several constituencies and warrant support from multiple funding sources.
  • Innovative approaches to alumni engagement. We encourage units to create innovative approaches—keeping programing fresh and increasing return on investment.

What if multiple units are collaborating, who applies?

Each academic unit should apply for their portion of funding on a collaborative event. Departments and programs are encouraged to work jointly on the application and submit identical information.

Each department may apply for up to a $2,000 grant for the collaborative program. The $2,000 award limit per academic unit still applies.

What is the source of funding for the College Alumni Engagement Grant Program?

The College received private funding in support of alumni engagement in the IU College of Arts and Sciences. The anonymous alumni donor, who believes strongly in the value of a liberal arts education, wants to create vibrant and meaningful opportunities for College alumni and friends to connect with each other, the College, and its faculty, students, and campus community.

What are the key criteria to be evaluated?

The College’s Office of Advancement prioritizes funding work that supports and engages alumni while embracing its core values and priorities.

When will I find out if my request has been approved? When would funding be available?

The evaluation committee will review grant applications following the submission deadline. Academic units will be notified of the grant award by the date posted.

What if my application is NOT approved?

You will be notified if there is further information needed or if there are questions about your application. The committee will provide a reason if the grant is not approved.

What type of reporting is required?

All events and programs supported by the College Alumni Engagement Grant Program will participate in post-event reporting. Groups funded by this effort will need to provide:

  • Program recap and outcomes.
  • A list of attendees, along with their contact data (specifically email address), is required to be submitted to your liaison.
  • Satisfaction surveys are strongly encouraged.
  • Photos or other event media (optional)

Reports are to be submitted 30 days following the program/event.

What if my event exceeds my grant?

We encourage academic departments, programs, and schools to utilize other funding sources when budgeting and planning for their fiscal year. An academic unit’s IUF unrestricted account is often used to supplement grant funding.

What if I don’t have any planned events/programs. May I still apply?

The College Alumni Engagement Grant Program is intended for programming that you can reasonably expect will happen as planned. If you would like to discuss your programming strategy, please contact the College’s Director of Alumni Engagement Vanessa Cloe.


If you have any questions about this program or process, please contact Director of Alumni Engagement Vanessa Cloe.