Act Creatively

Thought Provoker

In the College of Arts and Sciences, we think of creativity as a hard skill. It’s the tool box you bring to a sticky situation, the idea that laughs “it can’t be done” out of the room. It’s the voice inside you that says, I see a different way.

Description of the video:

[Old-time piano music plays.]

[Shuffling noises.]

[College of Arts and Sciences faculty, staff, and alumni offer a series of thoughts on the value of creativity as a skill.]

>> Alexandria Hartberg: "I think thinking outside of the box is one of the number one things that employers are looking for…"

[Food being chewed.] 

>> Rob Schneider: "I think that’s part of where there’s kind of a dynamic that takes hold,"

[Book pages flipping.]

>> Cheyenne Moore: "Like, just being curious about the world around me and everything,"

>> Ben Ibrulj: "provide for creative solutions to problems that we didn’t think we could solve."

[Book page flipping.]

>> Jocelyn Chia: "Because the more you learn about different topics, the better your mind expands, the more creative you become. Just because you can make connections with more things, right? Rather than just one linear path."

[Book pages flipping.]

[Shuffling noises.]

>> Jocelyn Chia: "I'm a very logical, linear thinker, and I like things to go from A to B to C to D, right? But when you're in a creative field and you have to create something, it's from A to X to P to Q to... hamburgers."

[Hamburger plops.]

[Kitchen timer sound effect.]

[Music fades out.]

Alumni spotlight: Ian Damont Martin

Ian Damont Martin is a writer/director by passion and a creative executive by trade. Martin (he/they) is the artistic director of Haven Chicago and the executive director of inclusion and belonging at the Art Institute of Chicago. He's worked with a number of arts and cultural institutions to organize anti-racist and racial equity efforts.